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Chicago OOTW: day 4

Our fourth day in Chicago, my family and I visited the Field Museum. Just like the Art Institute, we pretty much spent our entire day there. I would suggest planning to spend your entire day or at least most of your day there too, just because it is a pretty large museum with a bunch of interesting exhibits. The museum also opens at 9 in the morning and closes at 5, so keep this in mind when planning your visit there!

As soon as you walk into the museum you see Sue, which is the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex. I of course had to get a cheesy tourist picture with her. The best part of going to museums like this is letting your inner tourist self or even your inner child out and having fun! So I ended up with a lot of silly, fun pictures!

The Underground Adventure exhibit proved to be a great place to take some funny pictures!

I could probably write a novel about each of the exhibits we saw, but instead I'm just going to show you some highlights of some of them in the slide show below! I will say that my favorite exhibit I saw was probably the Tattoo exhibit. Unfortunately, I don't believe they are showing that one anymore, I think it was a temporary exhibit, but it was very interesting and full of amazing photos!

Now on to what I wore to the Field Museum! I did want to be comfortable so I opted for shorts to keep cool, the ones I'm wearing are from American Apparel. The top I wore was also very comfortable and kept me cool actually.

With the bright pops of color from this Current Mood halter top (the top is sold out, but here is the bodysuit version!), I thought it would add a playful touch to the outfit to layer this Anthropologie maxi top (similar: 1, 2). Adding one bolder piece to an outfit can really give it a whole new look and really make the outfit!

Another fun thing about this maxi top is the way it moves when you walk and in the wind. It can definitely make any outfit feel dreamy and angelic and you'll also get some cool photos while your wearing it!

That is all for this post! See ya next time!

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